Call for Proposals | EuARe2024
May 20-23, 2024 | Palermo, Italy
The European Academy of Religion announces its Seventh Annual Conference, which will take place on May 20-23, 2024 in Palermo, Italy.
FSCIRE will be the hosting institution.
As in previous years, the conference program will comprise working sessions including open panels, closed panels, book presentations (Author Meets Critique), and keynote lectures focusing on the overarching topic: Paradigm Shifts.
The Call for Proposals is open from October 2, 2023, to February 4, 2024.
Registration and Membership Application for 2024 open on December 1, 2023.
EuARe2024 welcomes Panel and Author Meets Critique (AMC) proposals, according to the rules and deadlines published in the Call for Proposals. Starting today, scholars, students, practitioners, and other interested parties are encouraged to participate in the conference by organizing and proposing panels.
These may be:
‘closed’ if the proposal includes a topic, convenor, and agreed panellists for all its sessions;
‘open’ if the proposal includes a topic and convenor and invites submissions from panellists;
an ‘Author Meets Critique’ (AMC) if the proposal includes the author of a significant, recently published work who will receive and respond to critique from other panellists.
Individuals interested in participating in the conference with a paper proposal are encouraged to check the website regularly starting from November 1, and submit their paper abstracts directly to the panel convenor following the instructions provided in the panel description.
The language of the European Academy of Religion and its annual conference is English to enable the widest possible participation. We invite each and every speaker to take this policy into account.
According to our new policy, a valid 2024 membership is mandatory to register for the conference.
All informations about the EuARe membership is available here.
For any questions please contact