VEREAD – Announcing a new Virtual Exchange Course
Contexts, Sources, and Methods for Critical-Historical Research and Discussion of Religion
The VEREAD (Virtual Exchange for Religious Education and Dialogue) project is launching a new Virtual Specialization Course on “ Contexts, Sources, and Methods for Critical-Historical Research and Discussion of Religion” , organized in partnership with Kenyatta University (KU), Tangaza University College (TUC), and the Fondazione per le scienze religiose (FSCIRE).
This 13-week course (5 September-28 November 2024 | every Thursday), provides participants with crucial skills to interpret the religious phenomena of the past and to understand the dynamics of the present with a view to foreseeable future developments.
The lectures focus on the Eastern African context, its different religious traditions (Christianity, Islam, African Traditional Religion), and interreligious dialogue. Specific relevant subjects will be analyzed in depth and from a comparative as well as interdisciplinary point of view (African-European).
In addition, the course will foster knowledge about the religion of the others, challenging the existing preconceptions and negative stereotypes and stimulating curiosity through the interactive exchange of ideas between East African and European students. Student-centered teaching and learning is the main focus of the course.
Cost: free of charge
Deadline: 10 September 2024
For more info: