A Renaissance Man of a Special Kind – Yelena Mazour-Matusevich
29 May 2024 – Research Seminar
The Giuseppe Alberigo European School for Advanced Religious Studies is organizing a new research seminar that will take place at the Dossetty Library, via S. Vitale 114 – 40125 Bologna, on 29 May 2024, h 11.00 am-5.30 pm: A Renaissance Man of a Special Kind. The Reception of Jean Gerson in the 16th Century, by Yelena Mazour-Matusevich (University of Alaska Fairbanks).
The lecture will present the first ground-breaking investigation of the sixteenth-century reception of Jean Gerson (1363-1429) – church leader, preacher, administrator, poet, theologian, playwright, inquisitor, philosopher, politician, musician, mystic and educator – in both Protestant and Catholic Reformations, and within different religious groups, movements, and peoples, often in substantial disagreement and even in open conflict with one another. The sixteenth century acted like a gigantic magnifying glass, detailing and expanding specific elements and ideas found in Gerson’s theology – biblical harmonization, mass catechization, the internal reform of the church, proto-probabilism, the cult of St. Joseph and several other major developments in theology, pastoral care, pedagogy and jurisprudence – to their extreme limits, making the late medieval theologian the founder of them all.
Free entry
For info: altascuola@fscire.it