Freedom. Interreligious. Intercultural
German-Italian seminar | 4-6 September 2023
A German-Italian seminar on the topic of interreligious and intercultural freedom, organized by Anna Mambelli of the FSCIRE itself in collaboration with Markus Mülke of the Augustana-Hochschule, Neuendettelsau, and funded by DAAD, that took place on September 4-6, 2023, at the Fondazione per le scienze religiose in Bologna.
The numerous papers covered the three Abrahamic religions and range from the philological and exegetical investigation of the concept of freedom in sacred texts to the historical analysis of challenges and obstacles about interreligious freedom up to contemporary times, tracing a path that aims to restore the complexity of a topic that is more relevant and necessary than ever.
Saverio Campanini (UNIBO), Conversione come scelta: Libertas Cominetti e Shlomoh Molko a confronto