The Great Councils of the Orthodox Churches. Decisions and Synodika
From Constantinople 861 to Constantinople 1872Corpus Christianorum
Brepols, Turnhout, 2016
pp: XXIV + 520
Paper € 495.00
ISBN: 9782503575056
This tome comprises the critical edition – sometimes the very first critical edition – of the Councils of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, namely those sharing the profession of faith defined in the first seven Ecumenical Councils (COGD 1). Among them one may find the Protodeutera (861), the Council of Constantinople of 879, the Tomos Unionis (920), the Local Synods of Constantinople against the Syro-Jacobites (1030) and against John Italos (1082), the Councils on ‘My Father is greater than me’ (1166), on the Filioque (1285) and on Palamas (1341-1351), the Synod of 1484, annulling the so-called union of Florence (ed. COGD 2), the Synods about Lucaris, the Panorthodox Synods of Jerusalem (1672) and Constantinople (1872). This thome includes the first publication of five synodika of Orthodoxy: Georgian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Russian and the Greek synodikon with a new edition of the oldest surviving version of the latter (eleventh century), which was the basis for the subsequent translations.
Curantibus: Sébastien Garnier, Peter Gemeinhardt, Vassa Kontouma, Kirill Aleksandrovič Maksimovič, Erich Lamberz, Frederick Lauritzen, Bernadette MartinHisard, Niki Papaïliaki, Symeon Paschalidis, Riccardo Saccenti, Tatjana Subotin-Golubović, Michel Stavrou, Anna-Mariâ Totomanova.
Edidit: Alberto Melloni.
Adlaborante: Davide Dainese.