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The General Councils of Latin Christendom

From Basel to (869/870) to Lateran V (1431-1517)

Corpus Christianorum
Brepols, Turnhout, 2013
pp: 855
Paper € 740.00
ISBN: 978250354504s

The volume contains texts which define the creation of an independent Church during the Middle Ages. In it are the decrees of Council of Basel (1431-1449), Ferrara, Florence and Rome (1437-1445) and the Fifth Lateran Council (1517).

Curantibus: Frederick Lauritzen, Nelson H. Minnich, Joachim Stieber, Harald Suermann.

Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum
Quellen und Forschungen
Theologie und Philosophie