The General Councils of Latin Christendom
From Constantinople IV (869/870) to Pavia-Siena (869-1424)Corpus Christianorum
Brepols, Turnhout, 2013
pp: XII + 662
Paper € 740.00
ISBN: 9782503545035
The volume contains texts which define the creation of an independent Church during the Middle Ages. In it are the decrees of two Councils of Constantinople (869-870 and 879-880) and the general Councils of the medieval west starting from the First Lateran Council (1123) to the Fifth Lateran Council (1517), including the Councils of Pisa (1409) and Pavia-Siena (1423).
Curantibus: Antonio García y García, Peter Gemeinhardt, Georg Gresse, Thomas M. Izbicki, Atria Larson, Alberto Melloni, Jürgen Miethke, Kenneth Pennington, Burkhard Roberg, Riccardo Saccenti, Phillip Stump.
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum
Quellen und Forschungen
Theologie und Philosophie