Cristiani d'Italia
I 150 anni di chiese, Stato e società
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, FSCIRE questioned the role, perception and self-perception of Christians in Italy.
Representing them not in the Church-State dialectic, but in their presence and participation as great collective subjects in national history with its systoles and diastoles and with its accelerations and involutions. This was the theme of the exhibition of cinematographic, photographic, television and amateur reports that the Piccola officina di videostoria proposed in Bologna, on the strength of a ten-year collaboration with the Teche Rai, the Istituto Luce, the structures of Rai history and with the communication and study of cine-television sources.
The exhibition, conceived and edited by Alberto Melloni, Fabio Nardelli and Federico Ruozzi, with sound effects by Fabio Iaci, under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic, was presented from 16 March to 2 June 2011 in various locations in the city of Bologna, from Palazzo D'Accursio to the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region; from the Istituto storico Parri to the cloister of the basilica of Santo Stefano, from the Post Office in the center of Bologna to the Evangelical Methodist Church; from the Dossetti Library to the Civic Archaeological Museum.
The event was part of the network of “major exhibitions” approved by the Inter-Ministerial Committee for the Celebrations of the 150th anniversary.
The exhibition was divided into eleven sections: Timeline, with photos taken from the work published by the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Giovanni Treccani Cristiani d'Italia. Churches, Society, State. 1862-2011, directed by Alberto Melloni. Subito ANSA, with the symbolic shots of the first Italian agency selected by the director Giulio Anselmi; Le unità degli italiani, the film made by Alberto Melloni and Fabio Nardelli on the 150 years of Italians and screened on the night of March 16 in a thousand Italian towns and villages; Visioni, an audiovisual gallery that proposed a historical narrative through pictures on plurality, charity, politics, production of culture, adherence to the Gospel and liturgy of the Christians of Italy, edited by Fabio Nardelli; In prima, with the cover pages of the «Domenica del Corriere», telling the story that becomes history, curated by Jaia Pasquini and Federico Ruozzi; Protestanti, with the exhibition “Evangelicals and Risorgimento” curated by the Waldensian Cultural Center Foundation in Torre Pellice; Preti al cinema, with frames and scene photos of the most important Italian films on the representation of the priest in the cinema. Curated by Dario Viganò; PPP> a famous RAI interview with Pier Paolo Pasolini on Christianity and human freedom; Cinema FSCIRE, the documentaries produced by FSCIRE on don Lorenzo Milani, Aldo Moro, Pope John, don Luigi Di Liegro; Oliviero e don Lorenzo, with the photos of don Milani by the young Oliviero Toscani; Hank Walker, with the sequence of photos taken by the famous American photographer during an Angelus of Pope John XXIII.