Civil service

FSCIRE is the host institution #ServizioCivile #SCUBO.

Download from dedicated section the summary of the Library Common Space project.

The Servizio Civile Universale at FSCIRE

The Dossetti Library is a research center of excellence recognized at the international level, a dynamic and propulsive environment that offers itself as a tool at the service of religious sciences for students, teachers, researchers and doctoral students from Italian and European universities. The Civil Service (Servizio Civile Universale) experience at FSCIRE is thus highly formative and stimulating, from a cultural, professional and relational point of view.

Volunteers, who work side by side with the library staff, after a careful and constant specific training in librarianship, carry out the following activities: reception, distribution of books and periodicals, maintenance of library deposits, cataloguing in SBN (National Library Service) book chapters of miscellaneous works, enhancement of online services, such as document delivery and digitization of texts in order to build a digital space that increases remote fruition.

To apply to the Servizio Civile Universale, go to

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