Personal notes, writings and photographs of some of the main protagonists of the history of the church in Italy are collected in fifteen fonds preserved in FSCIRE’s Archive. From Dossetti to Don Milani, from Cronache sociali to Vatican II, thousands of documents are at the service of research.
FSCIRE preserves an extensive archive consisting of materials collected over the years by researchers working at FSCIRE and donations and acquisitions from private individuals. The archive, declared of historical interest by the Archival Superintendence of Emilia-Romagna in 1995, is composed of numerous fonds pertaining to personalities who animated the history of the Church in the 20th century, including Giuseppe Dossetti, Giacomo Lercaro, Lorenzo Milani, Giuseppe Roncalli/Giovanni XXIII. One of the most important collections preserved at FSCIRE is the Vatican II Fond, which contains a large collection of direct sources for the historiographic reconstruction of the Council event.