
Chiara Solazzo

PhD student - DREST


Research theme

The view of the Shoah in light of the relations between the Holy See and Israel (1948-1958)

Education, academic and professional experience

In 2018 she graduated the three-year Modern Literature program at the University of Salento, with a thesis in Medieval History entitled: “Giovanna D’arco: una vita tra la storia ed il mito”. In March 2020 she obtained the PluRes Master's degree – The path in religious pluralism and historical knowledge, and then, in November 2021, the Master's degree in History of Christianity at the University of Bologna with Prof. Davide Dainese: "Gnosticismo: storia del termine e del contesto, il contributo allo studio del fenomeno da Peterson, Bolgiani e Filoramo".

Conference, seminars and workshops

February 2022-October 2022 –  Collaboration to the project "Attentato alla sinagoga di Roma, 9 Ottobre 1982"; The collaboration for this project was aimed at researching material, in particular: Archivio Centrale dello Stato di Roma, Archive of the Senate of the Republic, Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Archive of the Presidency of the Republic. The material contributed to a video history exhibition that was hosted at the Baths of Diocletian, entitled "9 Ottobre 1982”.

November 2022 –  Beginning of the PhD, with PNRR Scholarship at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, based in Bologna, at the Foundation for Religious Sciences Giovanni XXIII in the Judaism curriculum.
Project title: La visione della Shoah alla luce dei rapporti tra Santa Sede ed Israele (1948-1958).

February 2023 –  Beginning of the semester for learning the Hebrew language, (Alef level) at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.