Angela Cimino
PhD fellow
cimino@fscire.itResearch interest
The relations between the Holy See and Israel during the pontificate of Pius XII.
Education, academic and professional experience
She is attending the PluReS Master – Religious pluralism and historical knowledge – held at FSCIRE.
In Jenuary 2022 she attended the FSCIRE Winter School – Anti-jiudaism and Antisemitism in the history.
In July 2021 she obtained her Master's degree cum laude at the University of Bologna in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, with a thesis entitled Pontefici in Terra Santa. Relazioni teologiche e politiche tra Santa Sede e Israele (supervisor Prof. Cristiana Facchini, co-supervisor Prof. Miriam Benfatto).
In November 2019 she gradueted in Antropology, Religions, Oriental Civilisations at the University of Bologna, with a thesis entitled La Madonna di San Luca e la Madonna delle Grazie. Un percorso storico nella devozione mariana (supervisor Prof. Cristiana Facchini). During her university studies she spent five months at the Universidade dos Açores (Ponta Delgada, Portugal).