Rosanna Cucchiara
Affiliated researcher
cucchiara@fscire.itResearch interests
Interreligious dialogue, translation, Greek and Latin literature
Education, academic and professional experience
From September 2013 to August 2021 permanent head teacher at ICS Silvio Boccone in Palermo.
From September 1993 to August 2013 tenured teacher of Latin and Greek at classical high schools in Palermo and its province, including the state classical high school Umberto I.
1993-1998 PhD in Greek and Latin Philology and Culture at the faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Palermo, with a thesis on Idyll XXI by Theocritus.
1987-1992 Four-year degree course in Classical Literature at the faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Palermo, with a thesis in Greek philology on Menofilo of Damascus.
1996-1997 Advanced course in General and Museum Didactics at the University of Roma Tre.
Featured publications
R. Cucchiara, La scuola ha una grande anima, in «Quaderni del Dipartimento di filosofia e storia del Liceo classico Vittorio Emanuele II di Palermo» 1 (2021), p. 28.
Conferences, seminars and workshops
18 October 2019, Organization of the event to name the Great Hall of the ICS Silvio Boccone, formerly the archiepiscopal seminary, after Father Pino Puglisi, in the presence of representatives of the various religious denominations present in the area, political and school authorities, and the world of culture.
6-7 April 2019, Il valore della bellezza per una scuola adeguata alla sua vera missione, in Da anima ad anima. Bellezza e sacralità dell’insegnamento, Associazione culturale Paideia, Baida, Palermo.
26 March 2019, Tecnologie per la gestione delle difficoltà sociali, emotive e comportamentali a scuola: le applicazioni Behave e Base, Istituto per le Tecnologie didattiche del CNR.
21 April 2016, Una didattica personalizzata per i BES, Convegno Regionale di studi UNIPED, Palermo.
10-11 March 2016, I figli degli immigrati nella scuola: le nuove sfide, National Seminar MIUR and USR Campania, Naples.