The Emergence of Pastoral Authority in the French Reformed Church (c.1555-c.1572)
Bologna Studies in Religious History 1
Brill, Leiden, 2021
Paper € 105.00
ISBN: 9789004461710
In The Emergence of Pastoral Authority in the French Reformed Church (c.1555-c.1572), the author offers a broad overview of the issues and ambiguities connected to the implementation of the authority of the first generation of Geneva-trained French Reformed pastors and of their implications for the character and identity of the early French Reformed movement at large, using them as a prism for historical analysis of the transition to loose evangelicalism to a nascent synodal-consistorial network of Reformed congregations scattered across the kingdom of France.
Gianmarco Braghi, Ph.D. (1987) is an Alumnus of Trinity College Dublin. He is a member of FSCIRE (Bologna/Palermo) and Coordinator of the Giuseppe Alberigo European School for Advanced Religious Studies.