Perparim Uxhi
PhD Student
uxhi@fscire.itResearch interests
EU religious diplomacy and the role of religious illiteracy.
Education, academic and professional experience
Since January 2023, he has been a member of the team working on the ATLAS Project – Atlas of Religious or Belief Minority Rights.
In 2022 he obtained his Master’s Degree cum laude in International Relations and European Studies at the University of Florence in the field of Religions and International Relations with a thesis entitled Freedom of Religion in Egypt: the Historical Struggle Experienced by the Coptic Orthodox Community (supervisor Prof. Laura de Gregorio; co-supervisors Prof. Silvia Sassi and Prof. Stefano Costalli).
Previously, in 2018, he graduated in Political Science - International Studies curriculum at the University of Florence by writing a thesis on the freedom of information in Iran: L’Informazione in Iran: un diritto ignorato (supervisor Prof. Veronica Federico).
Featured publications
Chapters in books
Perparim Uxhi et al., Le zone d’ombra dell’istituto anagrafico: i migranti «senza fissa dimora» nell’accesso ai servizi sanitari a Firenze, in "Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, Quadrimestrale di studi e ricerche sul welfare" 2/2021, Il Mulino, pp. 355-370.
Doi: 10.1447/101459.