Samuele Adorno
PhD student
adorno@fscire.itResearch interests
The "crisis of faith": the division of the Conciliar majority and the International Theological Commission (1964-1973). Supervisor Prof. Michael Quisinsky
Education, academic and professional experience
Between September 2022 and June 2023 he attended the first year of the troisième cycle (Doctorat canonique de théologie) at the Centre Sèvres in Paris.
He works on the project of the HTLS (Historical and Theological Lexicon of the Septuagint), both writing lexicon entries and collaborating with the editorial board in correcting articles.
Between March and July 2021 he taught Italian at Scuole Malpighi – Liceo Scientifico Scienze Applicate, Castel San Pietro Terme.
In March 2021 he obtained his master’s degree in Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition at the University of Bologna with a thesis in Ancient Christian Literature entitled La salvezza a colpo d’occhio. La Lode degli antenati (Sir 44-50) e le rassegne storiche del giudaismo medio (supervisor Prof. Daniele Tripaldi; co- supervisor Prof. Camillo Neri).
In July 2018, he graduated in Classical Literature at the University of Bologna with a thesis on the history of the Greek language entitled Ricerche sul poema autobiografico (Sir 51,13-30). La Sapienza fra ἔρως e παιδεία (supervisor Prof. Camillo Neri).
Featured publications
Chapters in books
S. Adorno, ἐκτείνω: Greek literature – Septuagint – Papyri and inscriptions (entries of HTLS. Historical Theological Lexicon of the Septuagint., in course of publication.
L. Arcari, Vedere Dio. Le apocalissi giudaiche e protocristiane (IV sec. a.C.-II sec. d.C.), Carocci, 2020, for «Cristianesimo nella storia», in course of publication.
Dictionary Entries / other
S. Adorno, Ebraismo e cristianesimo: la storia di una separazione (training kit in PARS. Portale di formazione e informazione per il contrasto dell’analfabetismo religioso).
Conferences, seminars and workshops
International Congress of European Academy of Religion 2023. St Andrew, 19-23 June 2023 – Chair of the panel: Recent Investigations Gravitating Toward the Historical and Theological Lexicon of the Septuagint.
International Congress of European Academy of Religion 2023. St Andrew, 19-23 June 2023 – Paper: How did the Majority split? Theological Tensions in the First post-Conciliar Period.
PCTO Liceo Classico Umberto I – FSCIRE, “Dialoghiamo in biblioteca”. Palermo, 28 March 2023 – exegetical workshop: Il sacrificio di Isacco nelle tre religioni abramitiche.
Gemeinsames Oberseminar im Sommersemester 2022. Tübingen, 21-23 July 2022 – Paper: The reception of Dei Verbum in the post-conciliar fundamental theology. A bibliographical review.
International Congress of European Academy of Religion 2022. Bologna, 20-23 June 2022 – Chair of the panel: Joy Denied, Joy Rediscovered. Notes on the Legitimacy of Joy from Classical Greek Literature to Byzantine Christianity.