
Valentina Bottanelli

Affiliated Junior Researcher

Education, academic and professional experience

In March 2021 she obtained her Master’s degree cum laude at the University of Bologna in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, with a thesis in Historical Anthropology entitled L’astronomia nella missione gesuita in Cina durante la dinastia Ming (supervisor Prof. Davide Domenici; co-supervisor Dr. Matteo Lazzari).
In 2017, she graduated in Political science and International Relations at the University of Pavia, with a thesis in International Law entitled I corridoi umanitari come via d’accesso alternativa: prassi a confronto (supervisor Prof. Carola Ricci).

Conferences, seminars and workshops

6-9 September 2021, XLI SISFA National Congress, Arezzo, Presentation of the MA thesis, special mention of the degree award SISFA 2021.