Valentina Bottanelli
Affiliated Junior Researcher
bottanelli@fscire.itEducation, academic and professional experience
In March 2021 she obtained her Master’s degree cum laude at the University of Bologna in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, with a thesis in Historical Anthropology entitled L’astronomia nella missione gesuita in Cina durante la dinastia Ming (supervisor Prof. Davide Domenici; co-supervisor Dr. Matteo Lazzari).
In 2017, she graduated in Political science and International Relations at the University of Pavia, with a thesis in International Law entitled I corridoi umanitari come via d’accesso alternativa: prassi a confronto (supervisor Prof. Carola Ricci).
Conferences, seminars and workshops
6-9 September 2021, XLI SISFA National Congress, Arezzo, Presentation of the MA thesis, special mention of the degree award SISFA 2021.