Irene Iarocci
PhD Student Fellow
iarocci@fscire.itResearch Theme
The formation of the FSCIRE Archives
Education, academic, and professional experience
Since November 2023, she has been a PhD student at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and a PhD Student Fellow at FSCIRE.
From 2014 to 2023, she had work experiences in the fields of cultural heritage digitization and processing of historical sources for publication purposes, in the organisation of international scientific conferences, as an archivist, and as a member of working groups in European projects.
In 2020 she completed the master’s programme in Religious Pluralism and Historical Knowledge (PluReS) offered by FSCIRE.
She holds a master’s degree from the School of Archival Science, Palaeography, and Diplomatics of the State Archives of Bologna (2017); in 2021, she attended the training course “Archival Description in the Regional Information System IBC Archives” and obtained the qualification to operate on the regional archival description platform xDams. Since 2016 she has been a member of the National Association of Italian Archivists (ANAI).
In 2013, she graduated with full marks in Historical Sciences at the University of Bologna with a thesis in Political History entitled I De Republica Bononiensi libri tres di Camillo Paleotti (supervisor Prof. Angela De Benedictis; co-rapporteurs Prof. Giovanni Feo and Prof. Guido Bartolucci).
Il De Republica Bononiensi di Camillo Paleotti, Bologna, BraDypUS, 2014.
Dictionary entries/encyclopaedias/others
Voce Camillo Paleotti, seniore, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 80, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2014, 427-429.
Voce Camillo Paleotti, iuniore, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 80, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2014, 429-431.
Conferences, seminars, and workshops
May 22, 2024, The “Officina bolognese” and its archives between council and post-council, panel Towards a history of post-Vatican II. Concurrent periodisation and turning points, European Academy of Religion. Annual Conference 2024, Palermo
April 11, 2022, The FSCIRE Archives, presentation at the webinar Tradition and Innovation. The FSCIRE Libraries and Their Collections organised by WP2-Research Services of the European research infrastructure RESILIENCE (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV- 02), FSCIRE, Bologna.
January 26, 2012, Scrittura e riscrittura: il De Republica Bononiensi di Camillo Paleotti, paper presented within the study group Libertas e Res publica nella prima età moderna, Department of History, Bologna.