Lucia De Lorenzo
Junior Research Fellow
delorenzo@fscire.itResearch interests
Medieval Canon Law, Medieval Ecclesiology.
Education, academic and professional experience
Since December 2024, she has been a postdoctoral fellow at FSCIRE, conducting research within the Foundation’s project, "Collapses", focusing on the figure of bishop-prophets in the eschatological context of Gregory the Great’s Homilies on Ezekiel and their subsequent reception in the Middle Ages.
In October 2024, she completed the advanced scientific specialization program at the Giuseppe Alberigo European School of Religious Sciences (FSCIRE), with a thesis titled Bigamist Bishops: The Application of the Marital Metaphor in the Procedures of Episcopal Election and Translation in the Work of Hostiensis (supervised by Prof. Atria A. Larson, St. Louis University).
Between January and February 2023, she participated in organizing the Piccola Scuola di Sinodalità (Foundation for Religious Sciences – FTER), a series of meetings on the 2021–2024 Synod, which will see a second edition in the Diocese of Catania between February and March 2024.
From September 2023 to February 2024, she carried out her visiting research at the Institut d’Histoire du Droit «Jean Gaudemet» – Paris, Panthéon-Assas II.
In June 2021, as part of the training program of the Advanced Specialization Course, she participated in the Cours d’été 2021 – Réformations, renouveaux, ruptures. Situer la Réforme dans « le temps des réformes » (1250-1550) at the Institut d’Histoire de la Réformation (University of Geneva).
In March 2021, as part of the training program of the Advanced Scientific Specialization Course at the Giuseppe Alberigo European School of Religious Sciences (FSCIRE), she attended the ReIReS School on the Study of Special Documents (Research Infrastructure for Religious Studies, Bologna).
In May 2020, she completed the PluReS – Religious Pluralism and Historical Knowledge master's program at FSCIRE.
In 2020, she held a master’s degree in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World from the University of Bologna, with a thesis in Christian literature titled Jerusalem in the Peregrinatio Egeriae: Archaeological and Performative Aspects of a Stationary Liturgy (advisor: Prof. Antonio Cacciari; co-advisor: Prof. Lorenzo Perrone).
In February 2017, she graduated in Classical Philology from the University of Bari Aldo Moro, with a thesis in Latin literature titled Women Who Tell, Who Deceive, Who Enchant in Petronius’ Novel (advisor: Prof. Rosa Alba Dimundo).
L. De Lorenzo, Enrico da Susa (1200ca – 1271). Una rassegna degli ultimi settant’anni di studi, CrSt 45 (1/2024), pp. 69 – 95.
L. De Lorenzo e M. Proietti (a cura di), Piccola Scuola di Sinodalità. Le nuove lezioni, EDB, Bologna, 2024.
L. De Lorenzo e M. Proietti (a cura di), Piccola Scuola di Sinodalità, EDB, Bologna, 2023.
J. Cornillon, Tout en commun? La vie économique de Jésus et des premières générations chrétiennes, Paris, Cerf, 2020, 773 pp, in CrSt43(2022), 587 – 615
Conference, seminars and workshops:
July 7 – 14, 2024, Two Treatises De Electione. The election of bishops according to Henry of Susa and Lawrence of Somercote, 17th International Congress of Medieval Canon Law; Canterbury, University of Kent.
June 19 – 24, 2023, panel Boundaries and Borderlands of Medieval Law: norms and customs inside and outside the Latin Church, with Laura Righi.
Paper: Qui filii sint legitimi. Problems of jurisdiction in cases of filial legitimacy with particular reference to the work of Henry of Susa (Hostiensis),VI International Congress of the European Academy of Religion, St. Andrews.
July 17 – 23, 2022, The conjugal metaphor in the ecclesiology of Henry of Susa (Hostiensis), 16th International Congress of Medieval Canon Law St. Louis University.
January 6 – 8, 2022, The ecclesiological thought of Henry of Susa, Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association New Orleans.
August 30 - September 2, 2021, Marriage as a sacrament. Canonical and Liturgical reflections of the Hostiensis (Henry of Susa), International Congress of the European Academy of Religion Münster.