Francesco Cargnelutti
PhD student
cargnelutti@fscire.itResearch interests
‘Abd al-Rahman al-Kawakibi (Aleppo 1855-Cairo 1902).
Education, academic and professional experience
He graduated at the University of Trento in Political Sciences and International Relations. During his university years, he worked as a full-time contributor for a local newspaper.
In 2015, he decided to take a year-off to learn Arabic in Tunisia, where he later worked on the research for his MA thesis on the political thought of Rached Ghannushi, leader of al-Nahdha party. In the meantime, he worked as a teacher of Italian and as a freelance journalist for the radio, websites and newspapers.
Featured publications
F. Cargnelutti, Il Profeta Muhammad, «Nuova Secondaria» 5 (2020), pp. 48-52.
Chapters in books
F. Cargnelutti, F. Badini, Gli animali nel Corano: il rapporto tra Allah, uomo e natura, in Religioni e animali, ed. I. D’Isola, Turin, Claudiana, 2020.