Gianmarco Braghi
Affiliated researcher
braghi@fscire.itResearch interests
Synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation.
Education, academic and professional experience
Gianmarco Braghi is Senior Assistant Professor of History of Christianity and Churches at the “Cultures and Societies” Department of the University of Palermo, where he acts as deputy coordinator and responsible for the implementation of internationalisation strategies of the Master’s Degree (LM-64) and Pontifical Licence (international joint degree) in “Religions and Cultures” in collaboration with the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Sicily. He is also Deputy Principal Investigator of the NextGenerationEU-funded project ITSERR (Italian Strengthening of the European RI RESILIENCE), as well as member of the University of Palermo’s Steering Committee for the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers.
From November 2017 to December 2021, he held a senior fellowship at FSCIRE. Since 2018, he is the coordinator of the Giuseppe Alberigo European School for Advanced Religious Studies and editor of volume VI of the series COGD: Conciliorum œcumenicorum generaliumque decreta. Since 2021, he oversees the research team of the “Giorgio La Pira” Library in Palermo.
He co-directs the journals “Quaderni di storia religiosa medievale” and “Annali di storia dell’esegesi”, and he is a member of the editorial secretariat of the journal “Mediterranea: ricerche storiche”. He is a member of the Board of the Reformation Research Consortium (REFORC) and of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Stichting “Calvin’s Reforming Correspondence”, a project aiming to offer a complete re-edition of John Calvin’s correspondence. He is also a member of the Société Henri IV (Château de Pau), the European Academy of Religion, of the Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Research Institute (Trinity College Dublin), the Consulta Universitaria per la Storia del Cristianesimo e delle Chiese (CUSCC), the Società Italiana per la Storia dell’Età Moderna (SISEM), and of the Associazione per lo Sviluppo delle Scienze Religiose in Italia (ASSRI).
In 2012, he was awarded a three-year postgraduate fellowship by the Irish Research Council (An Chomhairle um Thaighde in Éirinn) and he started his doctoral studies at the Department of History of Trinity College Dublin under the supervision of Prof. Graeme Murdock. During academic year 2014-2015, he was appointed member of the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Centre while he worked as Teaching Assistant to Prof. Graeme Murdock on the module Europe c.1500-c.1700: Power and Belief. In academic year 2013-2014, he spent a semester in Paris and one in Geneva for research purposes. While in Geneva, he was hosted by the Institut d’Histoire de la Réformation (Université de Genève), which also granted him a prestigious bourse Georges et Pierre Regard.
He studied at the University of Milan for both his Bachelor’s (History) and Master’s degrees (Early Modern History). His MA thesis was entitled The Ink War: Political and Religious Propaganda in France under the Reign of Charles IX Valois, 1560-1574, and was supervised by Prof. Claudia di Filippo Bareggi and co-supervised by Prof. Susanna Peyronel Rambaldi.
Featured publications
Here for the complete list of publications.
The Emergence of Pastoral Authority in the French Reformed Church, c.1555-c.1572 (Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2021).
L’Accademia degli Ortolani (1543-1545). Eresia, stampa e cultura a Piacenza nel medio Cinquecento (Piacenza: LIR, 2011).
Articles and book chapters
The Preface and Catalogue des Docteurs et Conciles in Guy de Brès’ Le baston de la foy chrestienne. In: “Church History and Religious Culture” vol. 104/2 (2024), pp. 153-171.
Concilium Campi Foranei (iuxta Hengroniam), 1532 – The Concilium Generale of Chanforan, 1532. In: A. Melloni (dir.) – G. Braghi (ed.), Synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation: The Eve of the Reformation (16th-17th Centuries) – Corpus Christianorum Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta (Turnhout: Brepols, 2023), vol. 6.1, Part 1, pp. 279-311.
(with G. Murdock), Concilium Genevense, 1541 – The Ecclesiastical Ordinances of Geneva, 1541. In: A. Melloni (dir.) – G. Braghi (ed.), Synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation: The Eve of the Reformation (16th-17th Centuries) – Corpus Christianorum Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta (Turnhout: Brepols), vol. 6.1, Part 1, pp. 381-414. ISBN: 978-2-503-54507-3, ISSN: 2565-795X.
All’ombra delle due lupe. Gli anni della formazione di ‘Battistino’ tra Piacenza e Roma (1872-1907). In: S. Marchesani – R. Pane (eds.), Ut turris. Il cardinale Nasalli Rocca tra le due guerre. – Testi, ricerche e fonti / Istituto per le scienze religiose vol. 68 (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2022), pp. 37-55.
The Monsters of Gaul: The Implications of the Concordat of Bologna (1516) for French Episcopal Elections. In: “Cristianesimo nella storia” vol. 42 (2021), pp. 451-475.
“Confessioni vestrae nonnulla visum est addere, perpauca vero commutare”. L’approbation de la Confession de foi des églises réformées de France, mai 1559. In: “Études théologiques et religieuses” vol. 94 (2019), pp. 427-449.
Imprimée de différentes manières: The Gallican Confession and its First Printed Editions (1559?-1561). In: “Zwingliana” vol. 46 (2019), pp. 45-72.
Between Paris and Geneva: Some Remarks on the Approval of the Gallican Confession (May 1559). In: “Journal of Early Modern Christianity” vol. 5 (2018), pp. 197-219.
The Death of Charles IX Valois: An Assassin’s or a Martyr’s Blood?: The Image of Kingship during the French Wars of Religion. In: “French History – Oxford Journals” vol. 28 (2014), pp. 303-321.
Edited volumes
A. Melloni (dir.) – G. Braghi (ed.), Synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation: Ecclesia Semper Reformanda (17th-19th Centuries) – Corpus Christianorum Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta (Turnhout: Brepols, 2024), vol. 6.2.
A. Melloni (dir.) – G. Braghi (ed.), Synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation: The Eve of the Reformation (16th-17th Centuries) – Corpus Christianorum Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta (Turnhout: Brepols, 2023), vol. 6.1, Parts 1 and 2.
G. Braghi – D. Dainese (eds.), War and Peace in the Religious Conflicts of the Long Sixteenth Century. – Refo500 Academic Studies vol. 89 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023).
The Protestant Reformation in a Context of Global History: Religious Reforms and World Civilizations, ed. by H. Schilling, S. Seidel Menchi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017, in «Cristianesimo nella storia» 41, 1 (2020), pp. 398-399.
Conferences and seminars (selection)
14-16 May 2024, co-organisation and direction of the scientific committee of the annual conference of the Reformation Research Consortium (REFORC) on Early Modern Religious Encounters (FSCIRE, Palermo).
12-15 February 2024, Réforme ou révolution? Le vocabulaire des modèles changeants de réforme entre la fin du Moyen Âge et le début de l’ère moderne, 6ème semaine internationale des Facultés de l’Université Catholique de Lille (Lille, France).
19-23 June 2023, Reformed ars moriendi and Preparation for Death: A Theological Paradox?, Sixth Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religion (University of St Andrews, United Kingdom).
11-13 May 2023, One Office, Multiple Meanings: Ambiguities, Polemics, and Debates over the Episcopacy in Sixteenth-Century Reformed Circles, Twelfth Annual REFORC Conference on Early Modern Christianity (KU Leuven, Belgio).
3-4 November 2022, The Catalogue of the Church Fathers and Councils in Le baston de la foy chrestienne, The Staffe of the Christian Faith and the Making of the Belgic Confession: A Commemoration Conference on Guy de Brès (Theologische Universiteit Kampen, The Netherlands).
17-20 October 2019, Persecution, Fortitude, and Hope: A Forgotten French Reformed Consolation Pamphlet (Strasbourg, 1560), Sixteenth Century Society and Conference (St Louis, Missouri, USA).
6-7 December 2018, Of Coded Language and Ornate Letters: Reassessing the Approval and Disclosure of the Gallican Confession (1559-1561), conference Interdisciplinary Practices and Epistemic Transfer in the Reformation Period: Case Studies of the research cluster Episteme in Bewegung. Wissenstransfer von der alten Welt bis in die frühe Neuzeit (Freie Universität Berlin).
6-8 September 2018, “Ce spectacle est bien propre à instruire ceux qui le considèrent de sens froid”: Enrico Caterino Davila and His Historia delle guerre civili di Francia, international conference Se souvenir des guerres de religion / Remembering the French Wars of Religion (Institut Protestant de Théologie, Montpellier).
17 March 2018, Le ministère réformé et la construction de l’identité religieuse des huguenots de France, c.1555-1572, journée d’étude Controverse, engagement, identité. Nouvelles recherches sur le protestantisme au XVIe siècle (Institut Protestant de Théologie, Paris).