Francesca Badini
Junior Fellow
badini@fscire.itResearch interests
Italian translations of the Qur'an (1861 – 2000).
Education, academic and professional experience
Since November 2023, she has been a Junior Fellow at the Foundation's Palermo office, where he carries out her research work on translations of the Qur'an into Italian, published from 1861 to 2000. Here she is also in charge of teacher training courses and PCTO (paths for transversal skills and Orientation) activities with secondary schools.
In 2023, Badini got her Postgraduate Diploma at the European School of Religious Sciences ‘Giuseppe Alberigo’, with a thesis entitled An Egyptian Scholar and Preacher: Muḥammad al-Ġazālī (1917 – 1996) and his tafsīr (with Prof. Johanna Pink as supervisor).
During her postgraduate years (2019 – 2023), she was a Guest Doctoral Student at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany), where she spent part of her time abroad and where she attended several courses to learn the German language.
She also did part of her research work in Fes (Morocco), where she perfected her knowledge of Arabic.
In 2018, she holds a master's degree in Historical and Oriental Sciences from the University of Bologna, where she discussed a thesis in the history and institutions of Islam entitled Le pious Madri della Nigrizia e i Comboniani prigionieri della Mahdiyya (1881 - 1898): memoirs and epistles (with Prof. Caterina Bori as supervisor and Prof. Elena Vezzadini as co-supervisor).
In 2015, she graduated in Philosophy at the University of Trento, where she discussed a thesis in Islamic thought entitled Noble martyrdom and terrorist martyrdom: the role of the migration phenomenon in contemporary Islam (supervisor Prof. Massimo Campanini; co-supervisor Prof. Francesco Ghia).
Featured publications
F. Badini, An Egyptian Scholar and preacher: Muḥammad al-Ġazālī (1917 – 1996) and his tafsīr, BRILL (forthcoming, due in 2025).
F. Badini, The Use of ‹collective memory› in Muḥammad al-Ġazālī’s Religious Discourse – the Battle of Badr (624) and the October War (1973)”, in SZRKG/RSHRC/RSSRC, 118 (2024), pp. 123–136.
F. Badini, I cinque pilastri dell’Islam, «Nuova Secondaria» 7 (2020), pp. 45-48.
F. Badini, Il Corano. Una breve introduzione al testo sacro dell’Islam, «Nuova Secondaria» 3 (2019), pp. 56-59.
Chapters in books
F. Badini, F. Cargnelutti, Gli animali nel Corano: il rapporto fra Allah, uomo e natura, in Religioni e animali, a cura di I. D’Isola, Torino, Claudiana, 2020, pp. 45-64.
M. Campanini, Maometto. L’inviato di Dio, Salerno Editrice, Roma 2020, in «PaOP» 1 (2023).
C. Gualtieri, Utopia in the Present, Berlino, Lang, 2018, in «Storia del Pensiero Politico» 3 (2018).
Dictionary/encyclopedia/catalog entries
Tarditi Ildefonso, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. XCV, Roma, Treccani, 2019, https://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/ildefonso-tarditi_(Dizionario-Biografico)
Conferences, seminars and workshops
November 23 – 24, 2024, The Unfortunate Case of “Il Corano” (1967) Translated by Martino Mario Moreno (1892 – 1964), American Academy of Religion con International Qur’anic Studies Association e Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego (CA).
July 15 – 18, 2024, Al-Qur’an, Le Coran, Il Corano: the Anonymous Translation of the Qur’an (1882) after the Unification of Italy, International Qur’anic Studies Association Annual meeting 2024, Londra (UK).
May 19 – 23,2024, Il Corano. Versione Letteraria Italiana” The Italian Qur'an translated by Aquilio Fracassi (1914), VII International Congress of the European Academy of Religion 2024, Palermo.
November 17 – 20, 2023, panel: The Societal Qur’an. Paper: The Qur’ān as an Instrument of Education: The Legacy of Ḥasan al-Bannā in Muḥammad al-Ġazālī, American Academy of Religion e International Qur’anic Studies Association, San Antonio (TX).
June 19 – 23, 2023, Cain and Abel: Reading Islamic Sources on the Archetypal Fratricide in Contemporary Studies, VI International Congress of the European Academy of Religion 2023, St. Andrews (UK).
September 5 – 7, 2022, panel: Framing the Antagonist: Modern Readings of the Qur’anic Concept of Fir’awn. Paper: Fir‘awn in the Tafsīr al-mawḍūʿī: the Narration of Muḥammad al-Ghazālī (1917 – 1996), International Qur’anic Studies Association Annual meeting 2022, Palermo.
June 20 – 23, 2022, The anti-imperialism in Muḥammad al-Ghazālī’s tafsīr, V International Congress of European Academy of Religion 2022, Bologna.
November 22 – 25, 2020, The Qurʾanic Commentary of Muḥammad al-Ghazālī (1917-1996): Introduction to the Tafsīr and Analysis of Q. al-Nisāʾ 4:2–4, International Qur’anic Studies Association Annual meeting 2020, Boston (MA).