Federico Alpi
Affiliated researcher
alpi@fscire.itResearch interests
Armenian civilization and its contacts with the surrounding worlds between 7th and 14th century.
Education, academic and professional experience
He is research fellow at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia from August 2020.
From September 2019 to July 2020, he was FSCIRE referent in Work Package 3 (Data Management) and Work Package 4 (Technical Requirements, Conceptual Design and Validation) within the RESILIENCE project (UE INFRADEV-02-2019-2020 call, funded by H2020-EU. ID 871127). Since October 2018 he has been coordinating, for FSCIRE, the edition of the Armenian section of the Corpus Christianorum – Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta.
From October 2018 to July 2020 he was junior research fellow at FSCIRE.
From 2016 to 2018 he was research fellow at the University of Bologna within the project POPLAMA, The universal Rome in cross-cultural perspective. Perceptions of the Orient at the Papal court in the late Middle Ages.
His research interests focus on Armenian civilization and its contacts with the surrounding worlds between 7th and 14th century.
He graduated in Armenology at the University of Bologna and obtained his PhD in Oriental Studies from the University of Pisa in 2015. Since 2009 he has been a member of the AIEA (Association internationale des études arméniennes) and during his academic training he conducted his research abroad on various occasions: in 2008, at the Central Institute for Manuscripts of Yerevan (Republic of Armenia) and in 2013, 2014 and 2015 at the University of Oxford (one term per year).
Featured publications
F. Alpi, P. D’Agostino, Negotiating the Union: Epistolary Exchange between the Greek and Armenian Churches in the 13th Century: the Documents, «Orientalia Christiana Periodica» 86, 2 (2020), pp. 465-518.
F. Alpi, Il dibattito sul primato di Pietro in Armenia fra XIV e XV secolo: la testimonianza del Girkՙ Ułłapՙaṙacՙ di Mxitՙaričՙ Aparanecՙi, «Cristianesimo nella Storia» 41, 1 (2020), pp. 47-142.
F. Alpi, Medical Fragments in the Letters of Grigor Magistros, «Orientalia Christiana Periodica» 86 (2020), pp. 1-30.
F. Alpi, Ex oriente haeresis? Eresie armene fra il Medioevo e l’Ottocento, «Nuova Secondaria» 37, 9 (June 2020), pp. 36-39.
F. Alpi, M.V. Casella, Armena Natione: Investigating Traces of Armenian Presence in Ancient and Late-Antiquity Adriatic, «Wiener Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte online (WBAGon)» 2 (2020), pp. 1-13.
F. Alpi, Reuse of Byzantine Models in the Letters of Grigor Magistros Pahlawuni (990-1058), «Nea Rhome» 15 (2018), pp. 5-22.
F. Alpi, Le lezioni della crisi: elementi di continuità nell’istruzione in Armenia fra XI e XIV secolo, in Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale. Ricerche 2018, ed. C. Frappi, «Eurasiatica» 11 (2018), pp. 45-63.
F. Alpi, In Magna Armenia: appunti sugli Armeni nella Caffa del XIV secolo, «Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Moyen Âge» 130 (2018), pp. 73-83.
F. Alpi, Imperi e fedi a confronto: la corrispondenza fra Leone III e ‘Umar II (VIII secolo), «Adamantius» 23 (2017), pp. 1-9.
F. Alpi, Sull’origine e la fine di Grigor Magistros Pahlawuni, «Rassegna Armenisti Italiani» 18 (2017), pp. 19-29.
F. Alpi, R. Batisti, V. Melis (eds.), Proceeding of the Internationa Workshop “Contact Phenomena Between Greek and Latin and Peripheral Languages in the Mediterranean Area (1200 B.C. – 600 A.D.)” (Associazione Culturale Rodopis-Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Dipartimento di Filologia Letteratura e Linguistica, 13-14 Apil 2015), «Rhesis» 7,1 (2016).
F. Alpi, L’identificazione fra tondrachiani e pauliciani e la testimonianza della Lettera n. 4 (K67) di Grigor Magistros, in Al crocevia delle civiltà. Ricerche su Caucaso e Asia Centrale, eds. A. Ferrari, D. Guizzo, «Eurasiatica» 1 (2014), pp. 51-75.
F. Alpi, La Storia del Popolo degli Arcieri di Grigor di Akner: i modi della narrazione, «Bazmavep» 149 (2010), pp. 673-83.
F. Alpi, Sistemi per la traslitterazione dell’armeno nella catalogazione bibliotecaria: la scelta del Dipartimento di Paleografia e Medievistica dell’Università di Bologna, «BIBLIOTIME» 13 (2010), http://www.aib.it/aib/sezioni/emr/bibtime/num-xiii-2/alpi.htm
Chapters in books
M. Büchler, S. Riegert, F. Alpi, F. Cadeddu, Towards big religious data: RESILIENCE research infrastructure for data on religion in the digital age, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Digital Tools & Uses Congress, (DTUC ’20) New York, Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, pp. 1–5, Doi: 10.1145/3423603.3424007
F. Alpi, Microlessico medico armeno, in Parlare la medicina: fra lingue e culture, nello spazio e nel tempo, ed. N. Reggiani, Florence, Le Monnier, 2018, pp. 326-336.
F. Alpi, Grigor Pahlawowni Magistros: un esempio riuscito di reazione culturale alla crisi politica nell’Armenia dell’undicesimo secolo, in Crisi: immagini interpretazioni e reazioni nel mondo greco, latino e bizantino, eds. R. Angiolillo, E. Elia, E. Nuti, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2015, pp. 293-303.
Dictionary/encyclopedias/catalogs entries
F. Alpi, Giovanni Vacca, in Dizionario biografico degli italiani, vol. XCVII, Rome, Treccani, 2020, https://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/giovanni-vacca_%28Dizionario-Biografico%29/.
Conferences, seminars and workshops
22 January 2021, Notes on the textual transmission of Kirakos Ganjakecՙi’s History, conference Armenian through the Ages: Linguistic and Philological Perspectives, University of Oxford, Oxford (online).
15 October 2020, Towards Big Religious Data: RESILIENCE, Research Infrastructure for Data on Religion in the Digital Age, with Marco Büchler, Francesca Cadeddu, Sarah Riegert, conference Data and Digital Humanities (https://ddh20.sciencesconf.org/), Hammamet, Tunisia (online).
2 October 2020, Protestant missionary activity in Ottoman Armenia (1846-1914), in Missions et prédications: Comparer et décloisonner l’étude du phénomène missionnaire. Moyen-Orient – Afrique du Nord (XIXe-XXIe siècle), École française de Rome, Rome.
12 October 2019, “In the Manner of the Rhetors”: Grigor Magistros and Byzantine Letter-writing, workshop Between Armenia and Byzantium: Grigor Magistros in Context (atelier conclusif du projet FNS Ambizione PZ00P1_168147), Université de Genève, Geneva.
31 May-1 June 2019, Tracing a Textual Tradition: Armenian Contributions to the Study of Clement of Alexandria's Protrepticus, workshop New Research on Ancient Armenia, Université de Genève, Geneva.
22-23 March 2019, New Skin for the Old Ceremony: The Use of Byzantine Epistolary Models in the Letters of Grigor Magistros Pahlawowni (990-1058), workshop Armenia & Byzantium: Perspectives on Cultural and Political Relations, University of Oxford, Oxford.
6 October 2018, Medical Fragments by Grigor Pahlawowni Magistros, workshop of the Association internationale des études arméniennes (AIEA) Sciences and Learning in Armenia between Anania Širakac iՙ and Grigor Magistros, Gyumri, Armenia.
8 June 2018, On Some Unknown Armenian Words in Grigor Pahlawowni Magistros’s “Letters”, workshop Nouvelles recherches sur l’Arménie ancienne, Université de Genève, Geneva.
11 May 2018, Architettura reale e simbolica nelle lettere di Grigor Pahlawuni Magistros, in Il popolo dei libri e delle pietre: gli Armeni tra il Caucaso e la Cilicia, Giornata di studi sulla cultura armena, Università di Bologna, Bologna.
3 July 2017, The ‘Other’ within: Pro-Byzantine, Pro-Latin, and Pro-Armenian Factions in the Armenian Church, 13th and Early 14th Centuries, Leeds International Medieval Congress 2017, University of Leeds, Leeds.
8 July 2014, Playing the Great Game: Armenian Nobility and Its Foreign Politics from the 9th-11th Centuries, Leeds International Medieval Congress 2014, University of Leeds, Leeds.
13 March 2014, Due re, due casati, due racconti: la guerra civile fra Yovhannēs-Smbat Ašot Bagratowni (1017-1022) e il ruolo dei Pahlawowni», VIII Giornata di Studi armeni e caucasici, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice.
23 October 2013, Grigor Pahlawowni Magistros: un esempio riuscito di reazione culturale alla crisi politica nell’Armenia dell’XI secolo, in Crisi: immagini, interpretazioni e reazioni nel mondo greco, latino e bizantino, Università di Torino, Turin.