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Davide Dainese

Affiliated researcher


Research interests

Ancient Christianity and its reception. He studied some personalities and themes of the Alexandrian theological tradition (Clement of Alexandria, Eusebius of Caesarea) and in recent years he has moved to broad diachronic themes mainly concerning the history of Christianity in the modern and contemporary age (conciliar history, religious violence, political theology, history of liturgy).

Education, academic and professional experience

He is director of the Dossetti Library.
Professor in the History of Christianity at the University of Bologna.
From 2019 to 2022 he has been senior lecturer in History of Christianity (M-STO/07).
From 2015 to 2019, he has been junior lecturer in History of Christianity (M-STO/07).
PhD in History of Christianity and Churches at the University of Padova (2006-2008).
He obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in History of Christianity (M-STO/07 – 11/A4, 2017-2026).
University Classes:
2020/2021: History of Christianity (University of Bologna, LM Historical and Oriental Sciences); History and Institutions of the Orthodox Church (University of Bologna, LT Anthropology religions oriental civilizations); Introduction to the study of religions (University of Bologna, LT Anthropology religions oriental civilizations).
2018-2020: History of Christianity (University of Bologna, LM Historical and Oriental Sciences); Introduction to the study of religions (University of Bologna, LT Anthropology religions oriental civilizations).
2017-2018: Christianity in a Global Context (University of Bologna, LM Historical and Oriental Sciences – curr. GLOC); History of Christianity (University of Bologna, LM Historical and Oriental Sciences).
2015-2017: History of Christianity (University of Bologna, LM Historical and Oriental Sciences); History of Churches (University of Bologna, LT Humanities)
2014-2015: History of Christianity (University of Bologna, LM Historical and Oriental Sciences).
In 2008-2009 he collaborated with FSCIRE where he was postdoc fellow from 2009 to 2014; in 2010 he was a visiting scholar at Smith College (Northampton MA) and in 2016 at the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminar in Berkeley (CA). He won the Marilena Amerise award in 2011 for his doctoral dissertation and in 2017 was awarded the FFABR from MIUR. In 2019 he was praised for the quality of his teaching by the rector of the University of Bologna.

Featured publications


D. Dainese, Passibilità divina. La dottrina dell’anima in Clemente Alessandrino, Rome, Città Nuova, 2012.

D. Dainese, Clemente Alessandrino. Adombrazioni, Milan, Paoline, 2014.

D. Dainese, Pane celeste, pane terreno. Conoscenza dei Padri tra movimento liturgico e governo della Chiesa in Giacomo Lercaro, Rome, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2021.


D. Dainese, Le vestigia di una dottrina dell’anima in Clemente Alessandrino, «Adamantius» 20 (2014), pp. 306-321.

D. Dainese, La femminilità del Padre, «Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum» 56/57 (2013-2014), pp. 42-52.

D. Dainese, Clemente d’Alessandria e la filosofia, «Annali di Scienze Religiose» 4 (n.s.) (2011), pp. 223-259.

D. Dainese, Συνέρχομαι – συγκρότησις – σύνοδος. Tre diversi usi della denominazione, «Cristianesimo nella Storia» 32 (2011), pp. 875-943.

D. Dainese, Il Protrettico ai Greci di Clemente Alessanrino, «Adamantius» 16 (2010), pp. 256-285.

Edited Volumes

D. Dainese, U. Mazzone (eds.), Giacomo Lercaro. Vescovo dei poveri, uomo di pace, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020.

D. Dainese, U. Mazzone (eds.), L’italia tra storia e biografia. Contributi per una riflessione, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2020

D. Dainese, V. Gheller (eds.), Beyond Intolerance. The Milan Meeting in AD 313 and the Evolution of Imperial Religious Policy from the Age of the Tetrarchs to Julian the Apostate, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018.

A. Melloni, D. Dainese (eds.), The Great Councils of the Orthodox Churches. Decisions and Synodika, Turnhout, Brepols, 2016 (3 vols.).

Chapters in books

D. Dainese, León Magno y las elecciones episcopales: primado y disciplina en el Ilírico oriental, in El Primado del obispo de Roma. Orígenes históricos y consolidación – siglos IV-VI, eds. S. Acerbi, R. Teja, Madrid, Trotta, 2020, pp. 139-160.

D. Dainese, Le rôle de Constantin au concile de Nicée selon Eusèbe de Césarée, in La dramatique conciliaire de l’Antiquité à Vatican II, eds. G. Cuchet, C. Mériaux, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2019, pp. 259-274.

D. Dainese, La “scomunica” ai mafiosi del 21 giugno 2014 tra filologia e storia, in L’immaginario devoto tra mafie e antimafia, vol. I, Riti, culti e santi, eds. T. Caliò, L. Ceci, Rome, Viella, 2017, pp. 269-286.

D. Dainese, L’uso di alcuni Padri della Chiesa nell’Età della Controriforma: contemplazione, meditazione e costruzione dell’ideale del vescovo in Federico Borromeo, in L’anti-Babele. Sulla mistica degli antichi e dei moderni, eds. Adinolfi, G. Gaeta, A. Lavagetto, Genoa, Il Melangolo, 2017, pp. 281-317.

D. Dainese, La Palestina all’epoca di Costantino. Il resoconto di Eusebio, in L’impero costantiniano e i luoghi sacri, ed. T. Canella, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016, pp. 431-460.

D. Dainese, La Vita e le Laudes Constantini. Presentazione e analisi di testi problematici, in Costantino I, vol. II,eds. A. Melloni, E. Prinzivalli, S. Ronchey, Rome, Treccani, 2013, pp. 91-115.

D. Dainese, Concili e sinodi, teatro, cinema e televisione, in Costantino I, vol. I, eds. A. Melloni, E. Prinzivalli, S. Ronchey, Rome, Treccani, 2013, pp. 941-958.

D. Dainese, “Dio da Dio”, in Costantino I, vol. II, eds. A. Melloni, E. Prinzivalli, S. Ronchey, Rome, Treccani, 2013, pp. 149-161.

D. Dainese, Clement of Alexandria’s Refusal of Valentinian ἀπόρροια, in Sixteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies, Leuven, Peeters, 2013, pp. 33-39.

Conferences, seminars and workshops

2021, Gloria, Guerra e sacrificio nella prima età moderna. Un caso di studio, University of Bologna, on-line.

2020, The Christendom’s Ashes. On Grotius’ occupatio bellica, University of Palermo, Palermo.

2019, Among the ruins of the Christendom regime, Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz.

2019, Conference Gloria di Dio e degli uomini nelle tradizioni cristiane. Problemi e rappresentazioni, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.

2019, Panel Wars of Religion, European Academy of Religion, Bologna.

2019, Eusebius of Caesarea in the Manuscripts of Federico Borromeo, XVIII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford.

2019, International conference Ninth Annual RefoRC Conference on Early Modern Christianity, Bologna.

2018, Una nave tra Milano e Roma. Per un approccio storico-religioso alla concezione dello spazio sacro nel De [sacro] Presbyterio, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan.

2016, Convegno. Ricordo del Card. Giacomo Lercaro a 40 anni dalla scomparsa. Vescovo dei poveri, uomo di pace, University of Bologna, Bologna.