Francesca Cadeddu
Affiliated researcher
cadeddu@fscire.itResearch interests
Religious illiteracy in Italy and Europe.
Education, academic and professional experience
In November 2020, she became a researcher in Contemporary History at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
She currently serves as Executive Director of RESILIENCE, Treasurer of the European Academy of Religion, and is Associate Editor for Brill Research Perspectives Series on Religion and Politics.
She holds a PhD in Political Doctrines from the University of Bologna, where she defended her dissertation Democracy and Catholicism in the United States. Religious Freedom and the Thought of John Courtney Murray.
Featured publications
F. Cadeddu, Comrades in a Sacred Cause. Methodist women, Social Gospel and the suffrage movement in the early 20th century, «USAbroad – Journal of American History and Politics» 3, 1S (2020), pp. 59-67.
F. Cadeddu, Fighting Religious Illiteracy with Knowledge. Presentation of Pars, Portale di formazione e informazione per il contrasto dell’analfabetismo religioso, «RiMe. Rivista dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea», Special Issue Religious Culture and Education in 20th and 21st Century Europe, eds. M.G. Meloni, A.M. Oliva, I n. s., 5, December 2019, pp. 11-18.
F. Cadeddu, Cristiani evangelici nella polis: il contributo metodista al Patto di integrazione e alle intese, «Quaderni di Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni» May 2017, supplement to n. 82, 2 (2016), pp. 182-198.
F. Cadeddu, Il vitello d’oro e la campagna elettorale, «il Mulino» 27 April 2016, http://www.rivistailmulino.it/news/newsitem/index/Item/News:NEWS_ITEM:3219
F. Cadeddu, European Academy of Religion. Una nuova rete di saperi al servizio della ricerca e delle istituzioni, «E-Review, Corrispondenze» 4 (2016), http://e-review.it/sites/default/images/articles/media/135/caddeddu-european-academy-of-religion.pdf
F. Cadeddu, The Historical “Dispute of the New World.” European Historians of the United States and European History, Culture and Public Life, International Workshop, «Transatlantica» 2 (2015), on line on 31 May 2016, http://transatlantica.revues.org/7664
F. Cadeddu, Washington, 1/10/2015, Il papa delle fratture?, «il Mulino» 1 October 2015, http://www.rivistailmulino.it/news/newsitem/index/Item/News:NEWS_ITEM:2963
F. Cadeddu, A Call to Action. John Courtney Murray, S.J., and the Renewal of American Democracy, «Catholic Historical Review» 101, 3 (2015), pp. 530-553.
F. Cadeddu, Religious pluralism and the Catholic Church, «Seminar» 667, March 2015, pp. 20-23.
F. Cadeddu, Trent’anni dall’Intesa, trent’anni di intesa? Tematiche e problemi, 1984-2014, «Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli» 122, 2 (2015), pp. 9-15.
F. Cadeddu, Washington, 5/6/2012, I vescovi e il voto, «il Mulino» 5 June 2012, http://www.rivistailmulino.it/news/newsitem/index/Item/News:NEWS_ITEM:1632
F. Cadeddu, A Tunisi dopo la svolta democratica, «Inchiesta» 172, Aprile/Giugno 2011.
Volumes edited
F. Cadeddu, A. Melloni (eds.), Religious Literacy, Law and History: Perspectives on European Pluralist Societies, London, Routledge, 2018.
F. Cadeddu (ed.), La diplomazia ai tempi di papa Francesco. Una lezione congiunta, Bologna, Istituto per le scienze religiose, 2017.
F. Cadeddu, A. Melloni, F. Meloni (eds.), Blasfemia, diritti e libertà. Una discussione dopo le stragi di Parigi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015.
F. Cadeddu, Fede e istituzioni. A trent’anni dall’Intesa tra lo Stato italiano e la Chiesa valdese, «Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli» 122, 2 (2015).
Chapters in books
F. Cadeddu, John Courtney Murray, in The Oxford Handbook of Reinhold Niebuhr, eds. R.W. Lovin, J. Mauldin, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, pp. 181-197.
M. Büchler, S. Riegert, F. Alpi, F. Cadeddu, Towards big religious data: RESILIENCE research infrastructure for data on religion in the digital age, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Digital Tools & Uses Congress (DTUC ‘20), New York, Association for Computing Machinery, 2020, 1-5, Doi:10.1145/3423603.3424007.
F. Cadeddu, “The Woman Cause Is Man’s”: Social Gospel, metodismo e lotta per il suffragio femminile negli Stati Uniti, in I metodisti nello spazio pubblico. Diritti e giustizia sociale fra Europa, Asia e America, ed. M. Fallica, Rome, Carocci, 2019, pp. 98-115.
F. Cadeddu, John Courtney Murray: la sfida del consenso negli Stati Uniti degli anni Cinquanta, in Tracce di ricerca: Cristianesimo e potere, ed. S. Cristofori, Rome, Eurilink University Press, 2018, pp. 157-170.
F. Cadeddu, «I did this as a religious action». Appunti di ricerca sul martirio come strumento di contestazione contro la guerra in Vietnam, in Tracce di ricerca: Cristianesimo e potere, ed. S. Cristofori, Rome, Eurilink University Press, 2018, pp. 193-201.
F. Cadeddu, Secularism and religious literacy, in Religious Literacy, Law and History: Perspectives on European Pluralist Societies, eds. A. Melloni, F. Cadeddu, London, Routledge, 2018, pp. 111-119.
F. Cadeddu, Sostenere l’islam in Europa attraverso la conoscenza, in Dall’islam in Europa all’islam europeo. La sfida dell’integrazione, eds. M. El Ayoubi, C. Paravati, Rome, Carocci, 2018, pp. 58-65.
L’analfabetismo religioso in Italia, in Proposte per l’insegnamento della storia delle religioni nelle scuole italiane, eds. G. Arrigoni, C. Consonni, A. Però, Conference proceedings, Milan, 18-19 March 2013, Bergamo, Sestante Edizioni, 2014, pp. 21-31.
Conferences, seminars and workshops (selection)
16 January 2020, Schools, society and scholarship. Challenges for religious literacy in Europe, conference Religious literacy: Challenges for Today, The Loyola Institute, Trinity College Dublin.
3-5 January 2020, Going to the cinema? The Catholic film policy in New York, with F. Ruozzi within the panel Catholic Mass Media and New York Modernity, American Catholic Historical Association, 100th Annual Conference, New York.
6-8 June 2019, The Alliance between Research and Journalism, panel Media in the Spotlight: Peace, People, and Planet Demand a Robust Religious Literacy, G20 Interfaith Forum 2019, Tokyo.
20-22 January 2019, Peritus Quidam: John Courtey Murray, SJ at the Second Vatican Council, conference Religious Voices, Human Dignity and the Making of Modern Human Rights Law, Pontificia Università Antonianum, International Center for Law and Religion Studies of Brigham Young University Law School, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, Oxford Centre for Christianity and Culture, Regent’s Park College, Oxford Society of Law and Religion, Rome.
10-11 January 2019, Fighting Religious Illiteracy with Knowledge. Presentation of Pars, Portale di formazione e informazione per il contrasto dell’analfabetismo religioso”, ReIReS Workshop The presence and the quality of the religious history in the school texts for the high school and in the most important texts of general history edited in the last three decades, ISEM-CNR, Rome.
29 November 2018, Metodismo e movimento per il suffragio femminile, Convegno internazionale Metodismo, giustizia sociale, diritti. Uno sguardo tra Europa, Africa ed USA, Centro di Documentazione Metodista e dalla Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Sapienza – Università di Roma, Rome.
16 November 2017, John Courtney Murray: Jesuit, Churchman, and Public Theologian, conference John Courtney Murray Today. Reflections in the Fiftieth Anniversary Year of his Death, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Office of the President, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
11-15 September 2017, Religious literacy in Italy: meaning and context, International workshop, Religious Literacy International Network, Hawarden, UK.
29 November-2 December 2016, Migrants and interethnic relations: successes and failures of such initiatives in the Italian education system, International Seminar Education, Civicism and Inter-Ethnic Consent: Interaction of Society and School, Moscow, Russia.
9 November 2016, Sostenere l’islam in Europa attraverso la conoscenza, convegno Dall’Islam in Europa all’Islam europeo, rivista Confronti in collaborazione con il Dipartimento Scienze Umane e Sociali, Patrimonio culturale del CNR, Rome.
Here the complete list of publications.